Are You Stuck Working IN Your Business...
And Not ON It?

Most business owners don't know how to translate that adage into action.
I can share with you the exercises I've used with company owners & CEOs
for the last 25 years to help them grow their companies.

John Seiffer

Many business owners find their company hits a wall
somewhere between 10 and 100 employees. My Free Ebook will help you assess your business's growth plan.

Many business owners find their company hits a wall somewhere between 10 and 100 employees.

They find it harder to source good employees. They spend too much time on insignificant problems. Profits are not where they should be - even if sales are up. They're running out of cash - or time - or both. There's a common cause to these issues: Organizational Puberty. It can happen for a company at any age.

That's when you move from being a company of people to a company of process - while still supporting people. It's when you get the wisdom out of people's heads and into the entire organization. It's when you struggle with succession and wealth building.  

It's a new skill set for many business owners who are great at making their product or making sales. So many decide to stay small. If staying small is not acceptable to you, but you struggle with growth, scaling, or succession, let me guide you as I've done with companies across the USA and Europe.

I share some of my best growth advice on my blog for free:

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John Seiffer Business Advisor

Hello, My name is John Seiffer and for the last 25 years I've been helping entrepreneurs grow their companies through this phase of intense organizational change. I've identified three distinct stages of organizational structure and the things you need to do as a leader differ in each stage. Since I can't work with as many companies as I'd like, I've taken the models and exercises I use when I work directly with organizations and complied them into a series of modules. Each one gives you practical action-items you can do to work on a different system of your business. I'll even show you how to get the time to do it. Let's start with an ebook of what stage you're at and what stage you want to be.